The beginning of the game finds the French command with Kellerman's 2 light cavalry regiments and horse artillery battery section arrive in front of the Russian lines. Russian requests for 2 batteries have hastened the arrival of Bagration's artillery arm. A southern column has arrived with the cavalry and artillery of Bagration's remaining troops. These look to occupy the road leading to the south of the village. So far the Jager battalion is happy to stay behind the wall. The French are not acting too concerned yet. More troops are expected apparently.

At the end of turn 4, its obvious that the French will look to punch thru the Russian line as far from the village as they can get. The Russians have the numbers advantage, so perhaps the French attack will be delayed until more manpower arrives. No firing has occured yet, just French cavalry scouting in front of the Russian lines and active Russian troop deployment and extension of their line south of the village towards the church. 3 French regiments of Soult's Division as well as 2 batteries have entered. A French feint seems to be brewing just outside of the village towards the west.
From the Russian perspective, the line should be nice and strong, with combined arms and nice terrain features. Perhaps a bit more depth could be acheived, but more troops are expected.
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