So I jumped onto Iannick M.'s website this evening and was posting some of my persistantly useless information, when I recognized that 3 of us at minimum were modeling our French after the 1809 French III Corps led by M. Davout.
Oh it just seems that I innocently decided to mock up the most individually popular French command. I have developed an interest in doing a big version of Teugn-Hausen, and found I needed to make these blokes. Now, I find I am not alone. Oh well.
Below is a minimally modified version of the French OOB found in John Gills' book Thunder on the Danube. I found it an easy read that did a good job of not losing focus during the course of describing the campaign. I have created the OOB for either a ITGM, or GdB type game. Hence the base # descriptions. I have also deleted some of the battalions not present in the extended battle area. I base 6 men per stand, for 120 man stands as both of these are 1: 20 ratio games
3rd Corp: Marshal Davout
2nd Division: GD Friant
1st Brigade: GB Gilly
15th Leger 3 battalions 2251 men (7/6/6)
2nd Brigade: GB Grandeau
33th Ligne 3 battalions 2138 men (6/6/6)
48th Ligne 3 battalions 2228 men (6/6/6)
3rd Brigade: GB Gautier
108th Ligne 3 battalions 2189 men (6/6/6)
111th Ligne 3 battalions 2226 men (7/6/6)
3rd Division: GD Gudin
1st Brigade GB Petit
7th Leger 3 battalions 2894 men (8/8/8)
12th Ligne 3 battalions 2085 men (6/6/5)
21th Ligne 3 battalions 2182 men (6/6/6)
2nd Brigade GB Duppelin
25th Ligne 3 battalions 1708 men (5/5/5)
85th Ligne 3 battalions 2202 men (6/6/6)
4th Division: GD St Hilaire
1st Brigade: GB Lorencez
10th Leger 3 battalions 2505 men (7/6/6)
3rd Ligne 3 battalions 2033 men (6/6/5)
57th Ligne 3 battalions 1934 men (5/5/5)
3rd Brigade: GB Destabenrath
72nd Ligne 3 battalions 2224 men (7/6/6)
105th Ligne 3 battalions 2161 men (6/6/6)
Light Cavalry Brigade:
1st Chassaeurs-a-Cheval 3 sqds 553 men (3/3/2)
2nd Chassaeurs-a-Cheval 3 sqds 749 men (4/4/4)
12th Chassaeurs-a-Cheal 3 sqds 773 men (4/4/4)
Light Cavalry Division: GD Montbrun
Brigade GB Pajol
5th Hussars 3 sqds 585 men (4/3/3)
7th Hussars 3 sqds 557 men (4/3/3)
11th Chassaeurs-a-Cheval 3 sqds 693 men (4/4/4)
Brigade GB Pire
8th Hussars 3 sqds 884 men (5/5/4)
16th Chassaeurs-a-Cheval 3 sqds 655 men (4/4/4)
2nd Cuirassier Division: GD St Sulpice
1st Brigade: GB Clement
1st Cuirassiers 4 sqds 793 men (4/4/3/3)
5th Cuirassiers 4 sqds 792 men (4/4/3/3) '
2nd Brigade: GB Guiton
10th Cuirassiers 4 sqds 846 men (4/4/4/4)
11th Cuirassiers 4 sqds 812 men (4/4/3/3)
Guns with the infantry divisions=60. 8 x 12-pounders 24 x 8-pounders 8 x 6-pounders 12 x 4-pounders
Guns with the St. Sulpice =6 4 x 8-pounders , 2 howitzers.
Hope that helps someone trying to start up.
Saga in the Afternoon
1 day ago
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